After spending Christmas with Marvin in Wilton, we took a birding trip to the northern Sacramento Valley; we love the wildlife refuges up there. It rained off and on throughout our trip, but we enjoyed the days, had some good hikes, and saw a lot of birds.
We did a similar trip a year ago; here’s a link to that post.
Our itinerary: Dec. 25, 2022: Christmas in Wilton
Dec. 26: Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, dinner at Sierra Nevada Brewing in Chico, stayed at Oxford Suites in Chico (3 nights).
Dec. 27: Llano Seco Unit & Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge.
Dec. 28: North Table Mountain Ecological Reserve near Oroville.
Dec. 29: Colusa National Wildlife Refuge; stayed in Susuin City.
Dec. 30: Rush Ranch Open Space Preserve near Susuin City; arrived home.
Shortly after we got home, the skies opened for real, unleashing a deluge that closed Highway 17 and eventually flooded Dad’s house.