
Sporadic dispatches from the hinterlands.

The Jay Race 2016

I completed my second Jay Race last weekend. It's a 12-mile paddling race from Capitola to the Santa Cruz wharf, out around the Mile Buoy, and back to Capitola beach. I did it last year on my stand-up paddleboard, and it was a struggle. This year I paddled my OC1 (1-person outrigger canoe). It was no less painful, but I did go considerably faster.

I hadn't been planning to compete again, but when they opened an OC1 division a few weeks before the race, I decided to do it. I wish I had trained more; maybe next year! This race took a lot out of me, and I don't know if I'd do it again without more preparation.

Joy doubled as support crew and action photographer. Thanks, Joy!